After many years in New York, 14-year-old Autumn returns to the Amazon rainforest to save her childhood village and her beloved jaguar friend. A spiritual remake of an earlier film by Gilles de Maistre, Mia et le lion blanc (2018). This film is one of the weakest, most poorly written films I have ever seen. Make. No. Waste. Time. Out. Of. This. Film. Unrealistic, riddled with plot holes, it is hard to believe that anyone would invest money, effort, time and energy into such a weak story and script. I have seen some bad films, but Tike is one of the worst. It is really hard to believe this story from the beginning and continue to invest in the story. How can people write, find the funds and devote all their energy to writing, producing and promoting this poorly written, acted and directed film. This is a real waste of time and don’t waste your time and energy on it.
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